How to say "can’t" in Ainu?

This page explains the expression of 'can’t' in Ainu. How do you say 'can’t' in the Ainu language? What is 'can’t' in Ainu? Similar expressions and alternative phrases are also introduced.

Aynuitak ku=ye ka eaykap

General Expression


"I can't speak Ainu


ene a=kar hi ka isam, ene a=ye hi ka isam, ene ku=kar hi ka isam, make a=ye hawe, neko a=ye ya, ne kon a=kar, ene ku=kar hi ka isam, ene ku=kar hi ka ku=sak, ene ku=iki hi ka isam



it can’t be helped, there’s no choice, oh well, unavoidable, inevitable, nothing can be done, it’s fate, have to accept it, resigned to it, no way around it, no use complaining


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