Tane an Aynuitak-kotupte Itak-uoeroskip
現代アイヌ語翻訳用語集/ Modern Ainu Translation Glossary
Tanpe anak intennet or ta Itak-uoeroskip a=hunara wa uotutanu a=nukar easkay kuni aeywankep ne.
This is a web application that allows you to easily search, sort, and list the original glossary.
Uepeker / 詳細 / Details
Tan itak-uoeroskip anakne tane an Aynuitak hene koitaktupte kuni p ne. Teeta wano oka iporse patek somo ne no asir itak ne yakka a=kar itak ne yakka ci=omare wa kusu tane an pe a=ye wa kesto an kor a=eywanke easkay kuni iesoye cinumkekampi ne ruwe ne.
This glossary is for translating into the Ainu language, particularly for modern usages. It is a categorized multilingual lexicon that actively incorporates coinage besides traditional expressions, enabling the expression of modern objects and contemporary lifestyles.
0–0pe a=nukare / 0~0項目を表示中 / Showing 0–0 items
general modifier
homar N1
色が薄いN1、曖昧なN1、あいまいなN1、かすかなN1、 ぼんやり見えるN1、影が薄いN1、不鮮明なN1、淡いN1、朧気なN1
faint N1, pale N1, vague N1, ambiguous N1, blurry N1, subtle N1, dim N1, weak N1, unclear N1, shadowy N1, tenuous N1
general noun
general verb
Kampimoto / 参考文献 / References
Kampimoto opitta nukar wa un=kore yan!
Please see the list of references.
Uesere / ライセンス / License
Tan itak-uoeroskip anak CC BY-SA 4.0 Deed sekor uesere eoripak yakun a=eywanke easkay.
このデータは、クリエイティブ・コモンズ 表示-継承 4.0 国際 ライセンスの下に提供されています。
This data is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.